Scaling Efficiently on Amazon

Amazon Sponsored Ads Case Study


Wilton is an innovative leader in bakeware and decorating tools.

The Challenge

Wilton sought to accelerate its flourishing Amazon business in 2018 after experiencing strong performance in 2017. The company wanted to increase its revenue by investing more in advertising but needed insight on how to remain profitable while scaling its marketing strategy. Wilton then partnered with Rise Interactive to address these challenges and help scale advertising results at an improved return (ROAS or ACoS).

The Strategy

Generated Granular Account Structure
Restructured Wilton's Amazon account and generated 1.2K+ unique campaigns (up from 31 when the account transitioned) and 7.7K+ unique keywords (up from 1,056 unique keywords).

Negative Keyword Implementation
Removed duplicative keywords and implemented comprehensive negative keyword strategy to minimize customer search term overlap between campaigns, keywords, and bids to better control CPCs.

Optimized Product Mix
Rise worked with Wilton to prioritize their existing advertised product mix to ensure advertising spend was first directed to the products with the highest propensity to convert at the efficiency desired.

The Result

Q3'17 vs Q3'18 Grew revenue 93% with a more granular sponsored ads account structure.


Amazon Revenue Growth